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Racser Cream
A topical local anaesthetic used on the skin and the genital area before surgery or injections.

Racser Viscous
Topical anaesthetic for irritated or inflamed mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx.

Racser Jelly
Local anesthetic jelly, used to relieve pain in the mouth, throat, or nose before medical procedures.

Zencaine Jelly
Topical anaesthetic gel for the treatment of painful urethritis. It can also be used as anaesthetic lubricant for endotracheal intubation (oral and nasal).

Hexashield Handrub gel
Advanced instant hand sanitizer that kills 99.99% of germs and is specially formulated for frequent use as a hand disinfectant.

Hexashield Antiseptic liquid
It cleans the skin after an injury, before surgery, or an injection.